The Battlefield Gazette

The Gazette Poll

Thank you for voting on our previous poll.


Poll 1: It seems that most people would indeed be interested in reading the Battlefield Gazette inworld or to at least see how it turns out! Thank you for your participation.


Poll 2: Many people miss 2007 but some also expressed their nostalgy for 2006, I think most of our readers agree that there’ve been better times than the ones we’re in right now.


Poll 3: Here’s the popularity index for our “Who do you love” lulzpoll:

(#1 Most Popular: Lurdan Huszar; #2 Aryte Vesperia; #3 Harlequin Amoufhaz; #4 Zrazor Rosenstrauch; #5 Lordbob Boa, Christoph Naumova & Titus Valerian; #6 Proteus Hand; #7 Kiara Smythe; #8 Caine Constantine; #9 Nanao Mahfouz & Nacky Bondar; #10 Jim Herbst; #11 Dark Svenska, Kanaki Hornet, Bruno Ziskey, Ayatora Slade & James Benedek. Nobody Loves: Bennyboy Ball, Raideur Ng, Ryda Zimring, Olympus Wycliffe or Tangent Eponym.)


Poll 4: Here are the results! Most of our readers belong to a military faction but some of them are solo fighters or fight with friends.


Poll 5: Most people seem to prefer regular ballistic ammo but lazer and plasma fire has many fans!

  1. I would’ve said 2006.

  2. Me as well (re:2006), though most of 2007 wasn’t bad either.

  3. 2006/2007

  4. 11/17/08

    • You remembered my birthday and I don’t even know you Q.Q thank… wait a second. you remembered my 18th Birthday O.O;;;


      • 11/17/08 was the day VG 1.0 disbanded for nine months, probably before your time.

  5. Iunno. 2007 was meh for me personally. 2008 Was Great. I’d agree with the Majority saying that 2006 was better, however.

  6. 2008. Nowadays the Community is nothing compared to 2008 and before.

  7. From what alot of people tell me, 2008. 2009 was a crappy year cause of all the copybotting and leaking that went on as well as how many groups died that year.

  8. Lurdy ❤

    I want a merczacola, frumentafries and a lurdburger, will you take me out for dinner??????

  9. ^.^

  10. Aryte, the most loved celebrity? Fuck no, unless the Gazette is under Frumentarii control, there’s no way in hell Aryte is gonna win this poll. Kanaki is the friendliest and most neutral person in this list, he’s the man.

  11. Hey Furry, i’mma let you finish, but i think that Zrazor is the most loved person OF ALL TIME.

    *Spreads arms out and sways at crowd like his post meant something*

  12. If by loved, they meant who had “more ass than a toilet seat”, then yes, Aryte Vesperia was much more “loved”.

  13. ❤ James Benedek… even though hes not on the poll, which is kind of stupid seen as he made what SL combat is today(2142, Sim objectives, attachment jets, freebies, what's not to love?)… so I am going for Lordbob Boa as hes the next best thing! 🙂

  14. How the hell did I get on this poll?

    • Camille originally sent this poll to me per e-mail, she later asked me to add you and James to the list. But it’s just a lulzpoll, anyone could be on it and as you see many people like SqueezeOne Pow or Haner are missing. Wonder why she put my name on the list but oh well, someone voted for me. If anyone would like to be added to the list let me know but I won’t be adding anymore names after today!

  15. Add Ryda Zimring… shiiittt ha haha.

  16. I will not be adding any more names to the Poll after Midnight CET.

  17. Is it bad to say I miss 2005? Things were so much more simple back then, in a good way. The guns sucked, armor looked worse, but it was fun…. Hehe

  18. Why the heck you have not included JeanCyril Wise in the poll; ehhh???

    Rayos y centellas. —MOD roars…

  19. You guys forgot Herbert Feldmann and Roo Tenk.

  20. Damn, Lurdan is such a badass with 41% of the votes.

  21. I thought I was popular ;-;

  22. Nobody loves Tangent? ,_,

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